NA Video

Left of Black Host Mark Anthony Neal Honored by American Studies Association for Excellence in Mentoring

#‎AwardWinnerSpotlight‬ ‪#‎2015ASA‬

Congratulations to Duke University Professor Dr. Mark Anthony Neal for winning this year’s Richard A. Yarborough Mentoring Award!

The ASA Minority Scholars Committee awards the Richard A. Yarborough
Mentoring Award
to honor a scholar who, like Richard Yarborough,
demonstrates dedication to and excellence in mentoring underrepresented
faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and/or college, university or high school

According to the
committee, “Mark has cultivated a large audience that exists both within
and outside of the academy, and he shares this audience with
early-career (and often women of color) scholars and activists by making
his social media sites, blog, and web series, Left of Black, a platform
for their work.” 

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