Left of Black S2:E13
“Acting White” in the “Post-Black” Era
w/ Professor Karolyn Tyson and Ytasha Womack
December 5, 2011
Left of Black host and Duke University Professor Mark Anthony Neal is joined in-studio by Professor Karolyn Tyson, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of Integration Interrupted: Tracking, Black Students, and Acting White After Brown (Oxford University Press). Neal and Tyson discuss the prevalence of the “Acting White” myth as it relates to Black high school students and how the myth obscures the more insidious practice of “Racialized Tracking” in Public Education.
Later Neal is joined via Skype© by Ytasha Womack, journalist and author of Post-Black: How a Generation is Redefining African American Identity (Lawrence Hill Books). Neal and Womack discuss the concept of “Post-Black” and what impact it has had on identity formation among the so-called “Post-Black” generation.
Left of Black is a weekly Webcast hosted by Mark Anthony Neal and produced in collaboration with the John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University.
Episodes of Left of Black are also available for download @ iTunes U
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