Left of Black S2:E20 | February 20, 2012

Redefining Black Power and Re-Thinking Black Male Achievement with Joanne Griffith and Shaun Harper

Host and Duke University Professor Mark Anthony Neal is joined via Skype© by journalist Joanne Griffith, editor of the new book Redefining Black Power: Reflections on the State of Black America (City Lights).  Griffith discusses the observations of several of the book’s contributors including historian Vincent Harding, Professor Michele Alexander and MOVE member Ramona Afrika, who cites Fred Hampton Jr.’s recent quote that “Barack Obama is the new crack.”  Griffith also shares about the interview she had with Rev. Jeremiah Wright that was not included in the book, and points out the unfair images of Blacks in the media.

Later, Neal is joined via Skype© by Shaun Harper, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and Director for the Center for the Study of Race and Equality in Education,.  Recently, Harper released a study entitled “Black Male Student Success in Higher Education.”  Harper discusses the importance of looking at achievement rather than failure, and describes one example of an exceptional Black male role model.  Lastly Harper shares some of the experiences of Black male students in higher education as they navigate through racial hardships.   


Left of Black is a weekly Webcast hosted by Mark Anthony Neal and produced in collaboration with the John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University.


Episodes of Left of Black are also available for free download in HD @ iTunes U 

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