Is there a difference between emancipation and freedom ?
And if there is a difference, have African Americans actually achieved freedom yet? Dr. Rinaldo Walcott, Chair of the Department of Africana and American Studies at the University of Buffalo, sat with host Prof. Mark Anthony Neal to discuss the concept of the long emancipation and where Black Studies as a discipline finds itself in the university writ large––and what is its future. Dr. Walcott recently published The Long Emancipation: Moving toward Black Freedom, published by Duke University Press.
“In The Long Emancipation Rinaldo Walcott has opened up whole new avenues for thinking about the causes and conditions, the global logics of ‘unfreedom’ that continue to haunt and imperil Black lives... it invites us to see and feel the audacious eruptions of a blackness exceeding these limits—moving and struggling toward freedom.” - Deborah E. McDowell, University of Virginia
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